Amet Industries Supply, Install and Maintain, Industrial Operator Cabin Air Dust Removal for Vehicles

Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants, has been updated in 2024. Be sure your workplace conforms to the Australian Standards required to keep operators safe around airborne contaminants by ensuring you have cabin air filtration systems installed. A cabin air filter can be connected and fitted to most cabins that are able to be made airtight.

Dust, Fibres and other dangerous airborne Contaminants are found in a wide range of General Industries. Cabin Air Filtration Systems should be considered in the following industries:

  • Construction – from earthworks, demolition, handling insulation, mixing concrete, mortar or plaster, waste handling, abrasive blasting and welding.
  • Manufacturing – from welding, grinding, abrasive blasting, cleaning, waste handling, recycling, and material (e.g. wood, metal, stone) processing.
  • Agriculture – from grain handling, pesticides, plant materials, manure; soil handling.
  • Transport – from material handling (e.g. grain, cement, bulk foods, ore, chemicals, sand).
  • Waste and Recycling – from handling or processing of waste/recyclable materials.

For machinery operators, Silica and Asbestos particles need to be controlled by providing a HEPA filtered Pressurised Cabin. For an airconditioned plant, the cabin doors, windows and any other access points, such as cabling routes, should be well sealed to prevent dust ingress. An industrial cabin air filtration system will provide your operator with clean safe air to breath. Our high-pressure HEPA Filtration system meets and exceeds ISO23875 requirements, providing a clean airflow, ‘dust reduction system’ for operator cabins.

PowerCore Edge Blower Motor – Air Filtration Unit

PowerCore Edge Filtration Blower Unit
PowerCore Edge – Operator Cabin Air Filtration Unit/Blower
PowerCore Edge Air Cleaner with Detachable pre-cleaner

In a standard Air Filtration Unit, air is drawn in through a PowerCore® filter by a brushless centrifugal blower motor. It is then distributed through the base of the unit to the cabin by a 3” adapter.

PowerCore Edge Dust filtration unit - Industrial Operator Cabin Air Dust Removal for Vehicles

Carbon or Hepa Filter Replacement for Operator Cabin Air Filtration

When a HEPA filter or CARBON filter is used, it is fitted into the base of the unit. Air is forced through the Hepa or Carbon filter after being drawn through the PowerCore® filter before being distributed to the Air Conditioning system of the breathable workspace.

Hepa filter replacement on a PowerCore Edge Air Filtration Unit

We can replace your air filters, to keep your cabin air filter system clean.

Cabin air filter replacements are all individually Test Certificated Hepa filters.

Hepa Filter for Operator Cabin

Cabin Pressure Sensors

Cabin filtration units, essentially pressurises an operator cabin, by forcing fresh Hepa filtered air into the breathable space. The pressure inside the cabin is higher than the outside contaminated air. This will force air out of any unsealed gaps in the cabin’s compartment, that previously may have allowed contaminated air from outside, to enter the enclosure. The PowerCore® Edge, dust removal system can recycle breathable air, up to 11 cubic meters per minute, whilst maintaining the correct cabin pressure.

Operator Cabin pressure monitor air filtration
Display Monitor – Operator Cabin Air Filtration System
  • An industry recommendation is to fit a cabin pressure monitor to warn the operator when the cabin pressure drops below 20PA or rises above 200PA.
  • Audible & visual warning for the operator
  • The unit is designed to be easily fitted in any location in the cabin with a simple 2 & 3 wire connection & one sensor tube, to monitor outside air pressure.
  • AUTOMATIC PRESSURE CONTROL is a standard for Industrial Dust Reduction System.


  • Fan speed %
  • Cabin Pressure
  • Door Switch position
  • System Pressure Alarm
  • CO2 Alarm
  • Option to change from automatic to manual setting
  • System configuration
  • Total system run time
  • Alarm fault recording
  • Main Filter run-time & history
  • Hepa Filter run-time & history
  • Commission Installation Information
  • Ability to add features

The CleanCab App, to monitor your cabin pressure from your device

Pressurised Motor Monitor App

The CleanCab App is a Bluetooth Low Energy web application that communicates with the pressure motor controller.
For information on how to connect your device to the motor controller

CLICK HERE – CleanCab APP information

WORK SAFELY – Safe Work Australia’s Standard for Airborne Contaminants.
Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants (2024) – Download the latest information
We use CleanCab Filtration System products.
Amet Industries Supply, Install and Maintain, Industrial Operator Cabin Air Dust Removal for Vehicles, or fixed cabin environments. Book a cabin air filtration system for your cabin environments, to keep your operators safe from contaminants, and ensure you conform to the new Australian Standard for Airborne Contaminants Here

Industrial Operator Cabin Air Dust Removal for Vehicles
for all your cabin filtration needs
Contact Us

1300 650 823